Program of Academics and Credit Earning (PACE)

This program is set by IOP as a means of providing students to have International Credit Transfer to International partners and also to provide students from International Partners in joining one short course in UMSurabaya


1. Copy of Student ID

2. Copy of Academic Transcript

3. 4rd Semester student or above

4. GPA 3.50

5. English Proficiency (TOEFL EPT 550/Duolingo 100/IELTS 6.5/TOEIC 750

6. Recommendation from Head of Department

7. Copy of International certificate (minimum 2 (two))

8. Filling in ………


o Biodiversity – Biology Education

o Building health relationship in digitalize life – Psychology Study Program

o Online Course “Green Technology for Green Ship” – Naval Architecture

o Virtual Course on Ethnomathematics – Mathematic Education


o Summer/Winter/Spring Program virtual exchange students

o Transfer Credit Universitas Technology Petronas 

o Transfer Credit Mariano Marcos State University

o Global Mobility Program, MSU

o VRAP (Virtual Research Attachment Programme) UTP