International Full Time Students

International Class

International Full Time Students is one information provided to all International students who prefer to study and learn in Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya. Those who are interested may apply to following Majors in which the information may be read below

Study Programs

1. Bachelor of Indonesia Language and Literature

Bachelor of Indonesia Language and Literature is one of the study programs in Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya). This study program has been accredited “B” or “very good” conducted by assessors of Higher Education National Accredited Agency (BAN) in 2019 based on BAN–PT decree No. 1936/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/VI/2019. This study program serves as an educational institution for education personnel (LPTK) with an operational permit based on the Decree of the Minister of Education No. 7912 / D / T / K-VII / 2011 on July 15, 2011.



2. Bachelor of English Education
Bachelor of English Education is one of study programs in Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya). This study program has been accredited “B” or very good conducted by assessors of Higher Education National Accredited Agency (BAN) in 2020 based on BAN–PT decree No. 3932/K/BAN-PT/Ak-PPJ/S/VII/2020 based on BAN–PT decree. This study program was build based on the Decree of the Minister of Education No. 0141/0/1984 serves as an educational institution for education personnel (LPTK) with an operational permit decree No. 7914/D/T/K-VII/2011. 

3. Bachelor of Law 
Bachelor of Law has been operated since 29 Mei 2001, based on decree of Higher Education Directorate General No.1817/D/T/2001. This study program has been accredited “B” or very good by Higher Education National Accreditation Agency in 2019 based on No. 3973/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/X/2019.

4. Bachelor of Islamic Banking
Bachelor of Islamic Banking has been educating and training students to become Islamic Banking practitioners (teller, Customer service officer, Back Office, Marketing), Islamic finance consultants, Islamic Banking Research Assistants. It has been accredited “B” or very good by Higher Education National Accreditation Agency in 2019 based on decree No. 1134/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/IV/2019

5. Bachelor of Management
The Management Study Program at Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya is dedicated to providing high-quality education in business and management. It aims to develop competent graduates with strong analytical, leadership, and decision-making skills, preparing them to excel in various sectors. The program has received a "B" accreditation from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) with Accreditation Decree No. 219/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-PPJ/S/I/2022. Reflecting its commitment to academic excellence. Through a comprehensive curriculum, students gain theoretical and practical knowledge, fostering their ability to adapt to the evolving business environment.

6. Bachelor Degree of Computer Science
Bachelor's Degree in Informatics as a part of Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya contributes to national development through educational advancement for the nation's generation with expertise in the field of Informatics.  

In an effort to meet the demands of technology and human life based on morality, intellectuality, and entrepreneurial spirit, the Informatics undergraduate program of Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya continually strives to develop and adapt to scientific advancements and the needs of stakeholders in the field of information and computer technology. This is achieved through curriculum evaluation and review activities used in the teaching and learning process.  

As a program that is adaptive to technological advancements and contemporary challenges, the Informatics program participates in the Merdeka Belajar (Freedom to Learn) program. The Merdeka Belajar–Kampus Merdeka policy, launched by the Minister of Education and Culture, is a framework to prepare students to become resilient graduates, relevant to current needs, and ready to become leaders with a strong sense of nationalism. Regulation No. 3 of 2020 grants students the right to study outside their major for three semesters. Through this program, students have vast opportunities to enrich and enhance their knowledge and competencies in the real world in line with their passions and aspirations.  

Additionally, the Informatics Program has established collaborations with various industry and academic partners, both nationally and internationally. The program continuously develops educational initiatives to support the success of its graduates, such as internships, double degree programs, joint degree programs, and the upcoming International Fast Track program.  

The Informatics curriculum has been aligned with the qualifications framework of KKNI, the APTIKOM association, and has adopted an international curriculum, ensuring compliance with statutory mandates.


Requirements and Enrolment

A. FIRST STEP (verified by IOP)
1. Scan of Passport (validity period for minimum 36 months)
2. Certificate of Senior High School or equivalent
3. Transcript of Senior High School or equivalent
4. Health Certificate from Hospital of Health Institution
5. Recommendation Letter from Head Master or equivalent
6. Motivation Letter (Informing the reasons in choosing UMSurabaya) maximum 300 words 

B. SECOND STEP (by Admission Center - LIPMB and IOP)
After receiving LoA from IOP, students will get student number from Admission Center – LIPMB) (

C. THIRD STEP (by Academic Center)
After getting student Visa and Study Permit from Immigration (ngelink ke immigration yang ada di mainface KUIK), students will be directed to report to Academic Center – BAA

After being selected and scheduled for BIPA, students must join BIPA class

E. FIFTH STEP (by Study Program)
Preparation to study regularly

Education Fees For International Students