Governmental and International Funding Tutorials

This page is intentionally made in order to inform UMSurabaya students and Lecturers to access Governmental and International Funding


IISMA (Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards)

IISMA is a grant for students to access top 100 best universities from each country. This grant is actually made to provide MBKM for best students from each University in Indonesia. 

International Credit Transfer (ICT)

ICT is based on the MoU made by Home Universities in sending students to do Credit transfer in receiving Universities around the world

International Scholarships



WCP (World Class Professor)

Program World Class Professor (WCP) adalah suatu kegiatan untuk memfasilitasi dosen dari perguruan tinggi dalam negeri agar dapat berinteraksi dengan profesor berkelas dunia baik profesor dari dalam negeri, luar negeri, maupun diaspora yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kinerja (produktivitas riset) akademisi perguruan tinggi dalam negeri, serta untuk meningkatkan peringkat perguruan tinggi menuju QS WUR 500 terbaik dunia. Informasi lebih lanjut “click here”.

The World Class Professor (WCP) program is an activity that allows lecturers from domestic universities to interact with world-class professors, both domestic and foreign and diaspora professors, with the goal of improving the performance (research productivity) of domestic higher education academics, as well as improving university rankings towards the QS WUR 500. "Click here" for further information.

SAME (Scheme Academic of Mobility Exchange)

Program Scheme for Academic Mobility and Exchange (SAME) Nusantara ini bertujuan untuk memfasilitasi pengiriman dosen professor atau dosen S3 (Doktor) ke Perguruan Tinggi/Institusi penelitian mengembangkan penelitian dan publikasi di jurnal internasional di Negara Perancis yang dapat melibatkan industri dan/ atau organisasi internasional. Informasi lebih lanjut “click here”.

Scheme for Academic Mobility and Exchange (SAME) Nusantara program aims to facilitate the delivery of professors or doctoral lecturers to universities/research institutions to develop research and publications in international journals in France that can involve industry and/or international organizations. More information “click here”.

Further information “click here”.


The Post Doctoral Program is an effort by the Directorate of Resources, Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture to provide opportunities for young doctors to continue and improve their competence and insight in the field of doctoral studies through joint research activities and international publications with a senior mentor at a partner university. "Click here" for further information.

Further information “click here”.

International Research Funding

The Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education may fund this program through a partnership research plan; the prerequisites for submitting a research proposal are as follows:

1. The proposer's head has a doctoral degree and a minimum functional position of Expert Assistant, or a master's degree and a minimum functional position of Lector.

2. 1-2 people are proposed as members.

3. The Ministry of Research and Technology/BRIN has given me a task.

Further information “click here”.