
UMSurabaya Engages in Promising Collaboration Talks with Leading Indian Universities

  • Di Publikasikan Pada: 21 Jul 2023
  • Oleh: Admin

Surabaya, Indonesia- In a remarkable initiative to foster international academic partnerships, UMSurabaya has embarked on high-level discussions with prestigious Indian universities. The purpose of these talks is to explore potential collaborations, joint research projects, and student exchange programs that could boost academic excellence and promote cultural exchange between the two nations.


Representatives from UMSurabaya, led by the esteemed Vice-Rector 3, Ma'ruf Sya'ban, ST., SE., M.Ak., and Vice-Rector 4, Dr. Mundakir, S.Kep., M.Kep., Ns., held productive meetings with director TIE-UPS International, Ravi Makhija. The discussions took place at UMSurabaya, on Friday, July 21, 2023. the discussion encompassed a diverse range of subjects, including engineering, technology, social sciences, environmental studies, and more.


UMSurabaya seeks to broaden its global reach by collaborating with Indian institutions that share similar values and commitment to academic excellence. These potential partnerships aim to facilitate knowledge exchange, joint research projects, and the mutual enrichment of curricula to benefit students and faculty alike.


During the dialogues, Vice-Rector 3, Ma'ruf Sya'ban, ST., SE., M.Ak., emphasized the importance of cross-cultural learning experiences for students from both countries. Through student exchange programs, aspiring scholars will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in diverse academic environments, gain valuable international perspectives, and build lifelong connections with peers from different backgrounds.


In response to these promising discussions, Dr. Mundakir, S.Kep., M.Kep., Ns. expressed enthusiasm about the potential partnership with Indian universities, stating, "We believe that academic collaboration is not only a means to advance research but also a way to foster cultural understanding and promote peace. Our discussions with esteemed Indian institutions have been very productive, and we are eager to see the positive impact these partnerships will have on both our academic communities."

Both nations stand to gain immensely from such alliances, as they have the potential to open up new avenues for research, innovation, and cultural appreciation, ultimately contributing to a more interconnected and globally engaged academic landscape.