
UMSurabaya collaborated with U.S Consulate General in Surabaya to present Guest Lecture with the Speaker from Green Muslims

  • Di Publikasikan Pada: 05 Apr 2023
  • Oleh: Admin

Universitas Muhammmadiyah Surabaya held a Guest Lecturer with the theme “Importance of Environmental Awareness from Religious Perspective”, The event was in Auditorium 13 floor, At- Tauhid Tower Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya. This event was held on Monday, 3rd April 2023 by Sevim Kalyoncu as Executive Director of Green Muslims. Green Muslims is a Washington DC-based non-profit seeking to support Muslims in positive engagement with the natural world.

This event was attended by Dr. Mundakir, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep as Vice Rector IV UMSurabaya, Mr. Joshua Shen as Public Affairs Officer U.S. Consulate General Surabaya, lecturers and over 700 participants from all faculties.

Dr. Mundakir was starting his speech with warm welcome and high gratitude. “I highly express our gratitude and pride to host this event, for being trusted by U.S Consulate General for holding this International Guest Lecture.” said Dr. Mundakir in his speech.

Sevim Kalyoncu explained that “Our aim is to encourage a deep, spiritual connection with nature and an understanding of environmental stewardship as an Islamic obligation and also to provide a Muslim voice in American and global environmental work and serve as a bridge between Muslims and other environmental organizations”.

Mr. Joshua said that he’s very grateful to attend the event. He hopes this event can give insight to the students. One of the foreign students who attended also commented that the topic presented was very interesting. This also made many of the students interested and ask several questions.

You can download the material from the event on the link below.