Istanbul University YÖS Exam 2023 was held at UMSurabaya
- Di Publikasikan Pada: 08 May 2023
- Oleh: Admin
Saturday (6/5/2023) UMSurabaya was chosen to be the venue for YÖS Istanbul University 2023 exams. YÖS (Yabanc? Uyruklu Ö?renci S?nav?) is a university entrance exam in Turkey for foreign nationals. The exam was held in Theater Room, 7th floor, G building, at 19.00 WIB and was attended by 34 participants who came from various regions in Indonesia, such as Malang and Bali. Dr. Pramudana Ihsan, S.Hum., M.Pd as the Head of International Office and Partnership UMSurabaya, welcomed the arrival of the participants and two delegates from Istanbul University who served as the exam supervisors, Res. Asst. Ahmet TEK?N and Asst. Prof. Harun KORKMAZ
Vice Rector IV UMSurabaya, Dr. Mundakir, S.Kep., M.Kep., felt honored that UMSurabaya could provide the facilities for the 2023 YÖS Istanbul University exam and hoped that in the near future, there would be other activities to follow.
Ahmet Tekin also commented that he was satisfied with the service from UMSurabaya in handling this activity so that it could run smoothly and he would recommend UMSurabaya to their leaders to continue to make UMSurabaya an exam location next year.
With this activity, it is hoped that it will be an initiation of collaboration which will later be made into an MoU in the future, and UMSurabaya can continue to expand its network of cooperation with universities both in national and international.